To the Esteemed Faculty and Staff — We Thank You

On a rainy morning at 7 am, Tyler and I woke up quietly, pondering what the day was to hold. Hoping for it to be an exciting, confirming day, we drove off into the unknown world of orientation at Trinity International University. 


Throughout the day we learned so many things, but my favorite part was being in a room filled with the students and professors in Tyler’s specific degree. We both learned a lot more about his program. I am not as much of an academic as he is, but his classes sound incredible, and even more so the professors he gets to study under. There are seven professors 100% dedicated to graduate students studying the Old Testament, and they have a thriving love for it. 

Tyler will be doing his Master’s in Old Testament and Semitic Languages. When we had told the admissions counselor this, he looked at us and said, “You know that’s one of the most difficult ones right?” Tyler lit up with excitement, ready for the challenge. I just smiled at him and thought, “I’m so excited that you’re excited, and also excited that I don’t have to study this too!” 🙂 

The main thing, along with many others, that we came away with from the orientation day was that the professors and staff are incredible. We felt so loved and surrounded by them as we start this journey. We felt how close they are to each other, and they all have an amazing sense of humor too! They said throughout the whole day: “We having been waiting for this to year to start, and for you all to be here. We are here for you, to help you.”  

We left more excited than ever about this next chapter. Feeling surrounded and supported by the professors was exactly what we needed! 

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So, to the esteemed faculty and staff, we thank you!  

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