Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going

A lot has changed since we last blogged! We would love to share with you how God has blessed us in these last months, and how he is leading us heading forward.

Most excitingly, we welcomed Judah Andrew Patty into the world on November 11th, 2015!

We have settled right into being parents, which is easy with such a sweet little boy. We discovered he had some infant food allergies soon after bringing him home, so Lara has been on a strict no-milk, no-soy (in addition to her own no-gluten) diet. She is an amazing mom!


This is our first family Christmas photo, where Judah is a little over a month old!

We just celebrated Judah’s four-month birthday, and he is happy and healthy. We are finding so much delight in his inquisitive, observant, joyful personality!


I (Tyler) am on my final semester of classes, and am preparing to take my comprehensive exams on April 1st. After I complete these, I will be able to submit a thesis proposal and begin writing. If all goes well, I will spend the summer and fall writing, and graduate with my Masters in December!

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We have reached some other major milestones recently.

On March 1st, I (Tyler) completed my 16,500 page course reading list!

This month, we will pay the last of my school bills, and will graduate debt free! The Lord has truly gone before us, and we are so grateful to those of you who helped make this possible.

In February, we began discussions with Josiah Venture and KAM (the Czech national ministry) about moving to the Czech Republic! As my studies come to an end, we are eagerly looking forward to the next step to becoming missionaries.


Tyler and Lara in Czech three years ago

You’ll hear much more from us soon. But for now, pray for us as we raise Judah, and as I take my comprehensive exams on April 1st!