Master’s in Old Testament

Two and a half years ago, I enrolled in a Master’s program at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.


Me in 2014, just after being accepted to Trinity.

Last Friday night, I received my hood and a Master’s degree in Old Testament and Semitic Languages!


Czech is where I came from, and Czech is where I am going! 

When I look back at where we were two and a half years ago, I am struck by two things.

First, we have stayed the course in the vision God gave us. Back in 2014, we knew that God was calling us to be a part of training the next generation of Christian leaders in the Czech Republic. This vision sustained us during these years, giving purpose to my study and our preparation. Now we are raising support with Josiah Venture, on the cusp of seeing that vision become a reality!

Second, God has expanded that original vision. In 2014, we had no idea whether there would be a job waiting for us at the other end of Trinity. We fully expected that it would be many more years before we would be able to work in formal theological education. Not so! We get to start right away, helping facilitate a BA in Theology and Mission for young leaders. Moreover, this program will be available to more than just Czechs, but also to Slovaks, Poles, Slovenes, Croats, Estonians, and more.


I loved my time at Trinity. I am so grateful for what I received. Now I am excited to pass that along!

I’m so grateful for Lara’s support during this season. We’ve grown a lot together through this; this degree is hers as much as it is mine. I honestly could not have done it without her. What a joy to welcome Judah into the world in the last years of my program; I will forever treasure memories of studying with that baby boy on my lap!


I’m also so grateful for my parents, who have encouraged and supported us at every stage of this process. It was such an honor to have them be at my graduation, visiting all the way from the Czech Republic. We can’t wait to live closer (just 30 minutes away) and do ministry with you in Czech soon!


My siblings have also been incredible supporters during these years. They’ve always been eager to hear what I am learning, acting regularly as my teaching guinea pigs! I’m so grateful they have been a big part of our lives, especially in their new roles as aunts and an uncle.


Finally, I’m so thankful for the faithful friendship of John and Jenna Perrine. I met John during orientation at Moody in 2009, and our lives have been closely intertwined ever since. We have loved living close to them and going through life together.

I’ve had an amazing experience at Trinity. I’ve grown academically, personally, and spiritually. Now that I’ve been equipped, I’m excited to equip others!