About Tyler and Lara

Welcome to our blog!


A bit about Tyler:

Tyler grew up as a missionary kid in the Czech Republic, and came to the United States after High School to attend Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. He came to study youth ministry, but while in school developed a love for theology and biblical languages. We met our freshman year, and starting dating our junior year. After Tyler brought back an engagement ring from Prague, we were married on June 8, 2012 in Chattanooga, TN, surrounded with friends and family from all the corners of the world. Tyler has a BA in Youth Ministry and Biblical Studies from Moody Bible Institute, and an MA in Old Testament and Semitic Languages from Trinity International University.  Tyler loves to read, learn, and study! Please pray for him as he continues to prepare for many years of ministry with the Czech church. Oh, and Tyler is also quite the coffee connoisseur…so if you want an amazing cup, come visit us!



A bit about Lara:

First of all, I love my husband! I love living life with him, doing ministry with him, laughing with him, and cooking with him, among other things! I grew up in a ministry family, traveling overseas with my family often and being exposed to many different places and cultures. During high school my family lived in Guatemala for two years, and this is where God really began to develop a passion for missions. I came to Chicago to study Communications and Biblical Studies at Moody Bible Institute, graduating with a BA in 2013. After graduating, Tyler and I spent 3 months in Czech leading an intern team with Josiah Venture doing discipleship and evangelism. This really solidified my own calling to the Czech people, and I can’t wait to be back again soon! Some final things you need to know–I have to have coffee within the first hour I wake up , Pinterest is a creative space I visit daily, and I am most refreshed when I’m around family and friends.


A bit about the boys:

The lord gifted us with our first son, Judah Andrew, on November 11th, 2015. He is full of joy, curiosity, and determination. We love his adventurous and kind spirit.

Our second son, Asher David, was born June 12th, 2017. He is a gentle and sensitive soul, who loves nothing more than to be close to his parents!

We are looking forward to raising these boys as a “family on mission,” bringing them into the ministry and seeing them use their gifts for the Lord. Both boys are already very patient travelers, which must mean good Missionary Kid genes (they are third-generation MK after all)!



Welcome to our blog and I hope you enjoy following us as we follow God’s call on our lives!

–Lara & Tyler

2 thoughts on “About Tyler and Lara

  1. Your blog name is the best!!! And I’m so excited that you’ll be documenting these next months. You two are quite the dynamic duo in anything and everything creative! 🙂

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